Michael Garfield's Love Without End Tour Newsletter: Writing & Speaking

Writing & Speaking

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Paleontologist-Futurist Michael Garfield helps people navigate our age of accelerating weirdness and cultivate the curiosity and play we'll need to thrive in it.

Host and producer of both Humans On The Loop (FKA Future Fossils) (2016-present) & The Santa Fe Institute's Complexity Podcast (2019-2023), Michael’s far-ranging conversations have charted internationally for years while amassing over 1.6MM downloads. His practice as an interlocutor is informed by over twenty years of transdisciplinary "mind-jazz" performances on four continents — an avalanche of essays, music, live painting, and public speaking exploring the borderlands of academia, tech, and entertainment.

He has appeared on stage everywhere from Moogfest to Burning Man, Arcosanti to Synergia Ranch to SXSW to Boom Festival, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's Innovation Lab to the Pecha Kucha and Ignite Talks to The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. A briefly-prolific contributor to The Long Now Foundation's blog (one of the oldest on the Web) he also founded and moderated the world’s largest forum for complex systems thinking and spent 4.5 years translating the work of over 200 researchers as the first (and last) Digital Media Strategist for The Santa Fe Institute — while producing explainer animations, storm-tweeting symposia and conferences, helping launch books, and amassing hundreds of positive podcast reviews.

In 2023 and 2024 he was the first comms hire for a visionary new Mozilla spin-out open AI dev ecosystem, where he performed extensive research on the history of computing and technological innovation in order to help shape the structures, processes, and identity of a company intended to midwife the future of human-machine symbiosis. That experience redoubled his commitment to cultivating the wisdom required to use these new powers…ultimately inspiring his decision to leave and devote himself fully to this project.

He has produced over 800 paintings and 100 hours of original music. He is the author of How To Live In The Future (in press at Revelore), sits on the advisory board of research non-profit Noonautics, and lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his luthier wife, two kids, many cacti, and a snapping turtle.

"Amazingly well-spoken."

“One of the ultimate super-connectors in the idea-space of complexity. There are so many interesting things about him. I wish I were as smart as Michael; I couldn’t hold my own in any of those conversations [on Complexity Podcast]. Yes, I’m willing to say this in public.”
– Chris Kutarna, Oxford Fellow & Co-author of The Age of Discovery

"A rare mind with a particular talent for synthesis and translation...he deftly navigates adjacent spaces of strategy and innovation, weaving cohesive narratives and leaving every community he touches richer for his efforts. While many are brilliant, few people possess the combination of emotional intelligence, intellectual rigor, and comfort with complexity that makes Michael such a unique and valuable contributor to so many communities...any organization seeking to make a positive difference on this planet would be lucky to have his skills on board."
— Michelle Shevin, Senior PM for Tech and Society at The Ford Foundation

“I look forward to most anything Michael has to say: almost always interesting, rarely predictable, the epitome of informative.”
– Chris Wood, Former VP of the Santa Fe Institute

Highlight Recent Podcast Appearances

"An elegiac wonder of breadth and complexity...well equipped to be the next Annie Dillard. An embedded journalist, right behind the front lines of the ever expanding unknown."
– Myles Reichel, multimedia artist

"Mind-blowing. Michael Garfield's perspective is powerfully psychoactive."
– Brett Thomas of Stagen Leadership

"Easily the most mind-opening presentation Moogfest 2016 had to offer – a multidisciplinary monologue that rivaled Brian Eno's Moogfest 2011 keynote for all the unexpected twists and turns it took. This one-man show saw artist-musician Michael Garfield take a captive audience on a vision-quest through the lands where metaphysics and emerging technology meet. Heavy and heady stuff, and a pleasant counterpoint to the doom and gloom of the average transhumanist cybergrumps whose future-thinking seems improbably grounded in the limited perceptions of the present."
– Consequence of Sound

"Show me someone who believes they have an original idea, and I will invite them to meet Michael Garfield."
"Sometimes I think other people have a better grasp on what I do than I do, or at least they are more eloquent at expressing it. Thank you Michael Garfield..."

"Like the best writers on science, your work displays a wonderful skill in moving between the panoramic overview and the carefully focused detail. In this synthesis of opposing tendencies, I can only hope that you are a harbinger of what 21st Century science may become."
– Brian George

Select Presentations


Modern computing affords new possibilities to embrace pluralistic perspectives on, and even fully redefine, the self. In this blitz through media theory, the history of simulation, Eastern philosophy, and pro-social implementations of generative AI, I lay out the foundations of what I consider the most promising consequence of the digital revolution — namely, that it might provoke us to let go of the destructive ideologies of separation and embrace a humbler, more capacious sense of place within our Cosmos. By using language models to make the data avalanche of modern life more legible to us and render myriad representations of anything our instruments observe, we stand a better chance to move past conflict over One Right Way To Rule Them All and into “The Pluriverse”, which holds enough diversity for us to thrive amidst the challenges we face. (We might even loosen up a bit about our closely-held beliefs.)

Presented at Creative Santa Fe's Pecha Kucha talks at SITE Santa Fe in July 2022.


Biodiversity is the measure of ecological health. Cognitive diversity is the secret to innovation and effective collaboration. And contrary to popular belief, there will never be one Theory of Everything to unify all of human knowledge in an equation that fits on a t-shirt. Multiplicity is how the cosmos knows itself, because all models of the world — whether they take the form of intellectual theories or organisms in an ongoing dance of adaptation with their environment — are partial, incomplete, and provisional. Every statement of truth is a conjecture based on limited information, conditioned by a specific history, and ultimately up for revision. Even the myriad standards by which we settle on satisfactory explanations are in tension and conflict with each other — and that's a good thing, because unanimous agreement results in brittle, easily disrupted strategies. If humankind stands any chance of navigating the immensely complex challenges we face, it's time for us to jettison the notion that there's One Idea To Rule Them All, and fan out into "The Adjacent Possible," covering as much ground as we can to search the space of what could be more comprehensively.

Modernity was largely built upon the “epistemic backstop” of recordings we can trust. What happens when we lose this privilege? As of 02020, most widely-subscribed visions of the future seem like presentist projections of a brief moment in which the West was capable of large-scale consensus on reality. Between the challenges brought to the scientific method by advances in machine learning, the inherently divisive nature of the social media platforms out of which we’ve woven early-21st Century society, the proliferation of new ontologies in order to address what author Erik Davis calls “global weirding,” and the accelerating evolutionary arms race between counterfeiters and forensics experts, “the future” may not even be a useful way to talk about what’s next…


Join paleontologist-futurist Michael Garfield on a whirlwind tour of life's history and future, from brothy seaside puddles on a meteor-bombarded early Earth to the transcendent planet-level mind awaiting us beyond the technological singularity...all the while challenging how we create "time" and "history" in the virtual reality of human consciousness, and pointing into the eternal depths of every now. 

Drawing from his lifelong study of evolutionary ecology, developmental psychology, advaita vedanta nondual philosophy, and psychedelic transhumanism, Michael's "amazingly well-spoken" (Charles Eisenstein) public talks have earned him the reputation of "Terence McKenna 2.0" (Collin Elder). Judge for yourself by joining us in one of the most intellectually ambitious, playful, weird, creative conversations you will have all year...

Thanks to the psychedelic ("mind manifesting") power of our Promethean technologies, our dreams and fears have never been so fast to manifest as they are now. It is time for us to take a long, hard look at what might be, if ANYTHING is possible.

What did the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s teach us about how to handle the immense and terrifying pace of change these days?  Tim Leary said PCs would be the next LSD – and, in fact, it was their visionary journeys that they thank for inspiration, almost all the masterminds of the computing revolution. So maybe there is something to the notion that the insights from psychedelic psychotherapy and of indigenous plant medicine traditions are just what the doctor ordered to help navigate this age's waves of great accelerating transformations.

Presented at Boom Festival (Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal) in August 2016.


What did the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s teach us about how to handle the immense and terrifying pace of change these days?  Tim Leary said PCs would be the next LSD – and, in fact, it was their visionary journeys that they thank for inspiration, almost all the masterminds of the computing revolution.  So maybe there is something to the notion that the insights from psychedelic psychotherapy and of indigenous plant medicine traditions are just what the doctor ordered to help navigate this age's waves of great accelerating transformations.  Get the meta-perspective of a paleontologist-futurist and armchair knowledge artist on how both the internet and psychedelics might be modeled well as training for the next stage of our evolution...

Presented at Moogfest (Durham, NC) in May 2016.


The modern world was characterized by its division between nature and technology, the mind and body, man and woman, self and other.  All of that is set to change as networked digital devices, networked people and communities, and networked cultures and ideas deliver us into a new era in which we conscious of how intimately we are interwoven with each other and the rest of the living world. How can we design machines, architecture, and social systems that honor the organic wisdom of the body, seas, and forest?  An inspired trans-disciplinary rap/discussion on how much we'll benefit, replacing the "human being as machine" metaphor that's dominated recent Western history with a different metaphor: "human being as ecology."

Keywords: biomimicry, Anthropocene, ecotechnics, biospherics, space colonies, ergonomics, ecological design, microbiome, smart cities, permaculture, ancient future, archaic revival, neo-animism, Internet of Things, interspecies internet

Curiosity is The Opposite of Fear

Excerpt about why I do what I do from an interview I gave to Uplift while touring Australia in 2017.

Select Writing

"It is perhaps this capacity of some rhetorical practices to induce and manage the breakdown of borders – such as those between male and female, life and death, silence and talk – that deserves the name 'eloquence.'" 
– Richard Doyle, Darwin's Pharmacy, p101

The point of words, it seems, is to point past words – to direct attention to our lived experience, at which point words become unnecessary. Language functions as a bridge, sometimes, and sometimes as a wall...the management of boundaries, joining and dividing, is the sacred task of writers. Poetry is magic; story shapes our lives; the power and the mystery of words is real, and serious, and I am grateful to be one of those through whom the words flow freely.

There are many kinds of writers; but I think my kind of writer is the dot-connecting kind, who never rests too long in one perspective, who is constantly revealing underlying unity and celebrating life in all its endless novelty, a writer who can speak past language and reveal you to yourself.

And that's my goal. Our lives are gorgeous, complicated, brief, and perfect. How can I not communicate this beauty?

Science & Futurism

My latest writing project is for Humans On The Loop, a grant- and fan-supported exploration of agency in the age of automation. Find all essays and episodes here.

Here are excerpts from How To Live in the Future, my first volume of collected essays about evolutionary dynamics, psychedelic futurism, and how to make your way in our ever-weirder world, in press at Revelore:

More writing on the above topics for various magazines and blogs:

Best Seat in the House: Being Every Drone – Body Hacking Conference Blog
Let's Hack the Microbiome! – Body Hacking Conference Blog
US Supreme Court Says You're A Cyborg – Body Hacking Conference Blog
William Irwin Thompson on the Horizons of Planetary Culture – Reality Sandwich
Global Brains & Singularities: MG & Cadell Last Debate the Technopocalypse – Reality Sandwich
Copernicus & Goldilocks: Doubting Our Horizons – High Existence
What We Can Learn From Mass Extinctions – BigThink
Superfluid Hologram: A Review of the Documentary Film, Internet Rising – Reality Sandwich
The Sacred Geography of 21st Century Renaissance Civilization – BigThink
And Now, Faster-Than-Light Culture – Acceler8or
We Are Something The Planet Is Doing (video)
A.I, Angels, & Mass Extinctions: A Conversation with William Irwin Thompson – BigThink
Godhood Is Boring: Thoughts on Radical Life Extension – Spirit of Spider
Coevolution & The Technology Of Desire – Octa Blog
Distributed Intelligence & Octopus Smarts – Octa Blog
Biomimicry & The Design Revolution – Octa Blog
Atavism: Old is the New 'New' – Octa Blog
The Symmetry of Cause & Effect – Cause & Effect
The Psychedelic Transhumanists – H+ Magazine
The Spooky World of Quantum Biology – H+ Magazine
Let A Hundred Futures Bloom: A Both/And Survey of Transhumanist Speculation – H+ Magazine
An Emergent Syntax of Stuff – Octa Blog
Biomimicry: Breathing New Life Into Design – d/visible Magazine
Psychoactive Vibes: Light & Sound in Engineering the Spectrum of Consciousness – JFKU
Integral Time & Causality – JFKU
The Engine Of Development: Integral Theory & Post-Metaphysical Entelechy – JFKU
Evolving An Integral Biology – JFKU

Arts & Culture

• Painting While Dancing – I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
• Ode To A Paradigm Shift – I, II, III, IV, V
The Field Guide To Live Artists
Flow Arts in Hyperspace: Sara Huntley on the Future of Creative Performance – SolPurpose
Decomposing The Shadow: James Jesso on Psilocybin Psychotherapy – SolPurpose
Painting While Dancing: A Manifesto For Live Art – SolPurpose
'Transformational' Festivals Are A Symptom of Dissociation
Unique Self in the Digital Era: A Conversation with Marc Gafni (audio)
This Was All Ocean, Once... – Lost In Sound
Angels, Dragons, & My Live Painting From AURA 2013 – Lost In Sound
• Review – Top Films That Capture The Mystical Experience: The Fountain – Reality Sandwich
Art As Money: The '2012' Bank Note – Reality Sandwich
Introducing Denver: Live Art Capitol of America – Kush Magazine
The Problem – & Promise – of Festivals
Self As City, City As Self [video w/ transcript]
Sacred Activism [video w/ transcript]
Giving In To Astonishment: Scenes From Burning Man's American Dream – Reality Sandwich
What Is Integral Art? Or, How To Spot An Integral Artist – iggli
Oh, Irony!: An Ode – Zaadz
Why I'm No Longer Starving For An Adequate Myth – afterword to Suicide Dictionary

Music & Creative Technology

Evan “Skytree” Snyder on Atomic Priests and Crystal Synthesizers – Long Now
• Soundtrack To Your Funeral – I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII – Zaadz
Visionary InstrumentsLight Harp, Reactable, Monome, Chapman Stick – Zaadz
Kishi Bashi on the Past, Present, and Future of Music – Performer Magazine
Visionary Soundscapes: A Talk with Mystical Sun – Reality Sandwich
• Review – Edly's Music Theory For Practical People – Performer Magazine
• Review – EOTO's Fire The Lazers!!! – Colorado Music Board
Exaptation of the Guitar – Zaadz
Luke Redfield's Folk Mysticism & Mystic Folk – Colorado Music Board
Best Seat In The House: You're Virtually There – H+ Magazine
The Coming Revolution In Audio Design – d/visible Magazine
YOU'RE the Musician; YOU Make Some Noise! – Colorado Music Board
The 3-2-1 of Musical Performance – Colorado Music Board
Playing The Body Electric – Colorado Music Board
On The Spiritual Significance of Music – XtremeMusic.org
• Review – Best & Worst New Musical Instruments of the 2000s – H+ Magazine
• Review – Doomstar!'s Colors – Performer Magazine
The Transhuman Music of Akhentek – H+ Magazine

A Window Into The Future of Sound – iggli
R. Luke Dubois' Timelapse Phonography – iggli
Transcending Possessiveness in Love and Music – iggli
The Fullness of Emptiness: Riffing on Arvo Pärt – iggli
The Ear of the Beholder: Tantra & My 'Desert Island' Playlist – iggli
The Music of Proteins – iggli
Interview: Scott Johnson of the Positive Music Association – iggli
Finding The Music In Noise – iggli
A Joyful Noise: Phil Kline's 'Unsilent Night' – iggli
What Is Visionary Music? – iggli

• Review – Elbow's The Seldom Seen Kid – Cause & Effect
• Review – Lynx's Grain of Sand – Zaadz
• Review – Love Beyond Life: A Review of The Fountain – Zaadz

Boss RC-50 Loopstation: Flawed But Glorious – Fretbase
Squiggly Frets Deliver Superior Tone – Fretbase
Controversy Continues Over Use of Endangered Tonewoods – Fretbase
Finally! Clock Your Riffs with the 'Shred-O-Meter' – Fretbase
Phil Keaggy Struts All The Tricks – Fretbase
Adrian Belew's Out-of-this-world Signature Parker Fly – Fretbase
No Picks Required For Kevin Eubanks – Fretbase
Zivix Headliner Might Save An Entire Generation – Fretbase
Martin Hippie Guitar As Puzzling As It Is Rare – Fretbase
Will Glass Guitars Improve The Clarity of Your Playing? – Fretbase
Wonderful Dexterity Training – Fretbase

Text-Only Interviews

Incision Media (2013)
Ideamensch (2012)
Music 4 Change (2010)
LostInSound (2009)

Podcast Appearances

I may have missed a few...here's an aggregator against which you can cross-check this list.

Show and Tell (2024)
Infinite Loops (2024)
• The Danny Jones Podcast (2024)
• Realm IQ (2024)
• This Week in Science (2024)
• MediaLab Matadero's Cosmic Brains Roundtables Part 1 & Part 2 (2023)
• Green Pill w/ Gordon Brander (2023)
• The Jim Rutt Show (2023)
• Here We Are 388 (2023)
• The Jim Rutt Show w/ J.F. Martel (2023)
• The KMO Show (2023)
• Parallax w/ Daniel Görtz & Tom Amarque (2023)
• UCSD Gallery QI Panel on Biosphere Dreaming (2023)
• SEMFiloquium (2022)
• True North Project (2022)
• Third Eye Drops 309 (2022)
• On The Edge (2021)x
• Artsy AF (2021)
• Artsy AF (2021)
• The Meta-Podcast (2021)
• Third Eye Drops 274 (2021)
• Apricot Jam (2021)
• Greater Than Code (2021)
• Third Eye Drops 239 (2021)
• The Atlas Project w/ Chris Kutarna (2020)
• Here We Are w/ Shane Mauss (2020)
• Aliens & Artists Part 1 & Part 2 w/ Stuart Davis (2020)
• Talk of Today (2020)
• Voices in the Dark (2020)
• Awake Aware Alive (2019)
• Third Eye Drops 158 re: The Gritty Prequel to Destiny (2019)
• (2019)
• Future Tech Podcast (2019)
• Tap Iñ (2019)
• Weird Studies (2018)
• Synchronicity (2018)
• Third Eye Drops 115 w/ Andrew O'Keefe (2018)
• Innerverse (2018)
• Third Eye Drops 102 (2018)
• Here We Are w/ Shane Mauss (2018)
• Mixed Mental Arts w/ Hunter Maats (2018)
• Third Eye Drops 88 re: the Shadow of Visionary Culture & Futurism (2017)
• Third Eye Drops 75 on fractal futures (2017)
• Third Eye Drops 58 re: MAPS & psychedelic futurism (2017)
• The Astral Hustle (2017)
• Chasing Bodhi (2017)
• Third Eye Drops 44 w/ Douglas Rushkoff (2017)
• Synchronicity Podcast (2016)
• The Inner Eye Podcast (2016)
• Future Primitive (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 38 w/ Niles Heckman (2016)
• Third Eye Drops w/ Mitch Schultz & Rick Strassman (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 28 w/ Bruce Damer (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 26 (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 21 w/ Erik Davis (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 9 w/ Shane Mauss (2016)
• Third Eye Drops 4 w/ Erik Davis (2016)
• Lucid Planet (2016)
• Ascend (2016)
• Midwest Real (2015)
• Midwest Real (2015)
• Shane Mauss' Here We Are (2015)
• Novelty Generators (2015)
• New Paradigm Radio (2015)
• Project Bring Me To Life (2015)
• Gaian Radio (2014)
• Rak Razam's In A Perfect World (2014)
• Minds.com Panel Discussion w/ Davis, Doyle, Theise, Mignano (2014)
• Sonic Bloom Festival Trialogue w/ Jonathan Zap & Mark Heley (2013)
• Notes from the Psychedelic Salon (2012)
• Erik Davis' Expanding Minds (2012)
• Erik Davis' Expanding Minds (2011)

Select Talks from Before Future Fossils (BFF)