“Do not look for the purpose. Think of the way we came and be a little proud. Think of this hand – the utter pain of its first venture on the pebbly shore.”
– Loren Eiseley, poet-archeologist
I'm on tour in Australia for the next month. Here's my tour schedule (more updates to come) – if you know people out this way please introduce us! Time is precious and I'm eager to contribute all I can to the enduring reputation of Americans as generous, inspired, helpful, interesting, lovely people, regardless of the tensions of our world at large.
Thanks hugely to my supporters on Patreon for helping me fund this trip. You've helped me immensely with your many modest contributions – every bit has helped and I can't wait to pay it back
Here are my latest works, for you – the fruits of my love's labor – enjoy, and stay in touch!
Unplugged in Odemira, Portugal
(freestyle instrumental intro)
Unplugged in Odemira, Portugal
(freestyle instrumental intro)
Filmed at the ruins of a gorgeous old windmill in rural Portugal while I was visiting form Boom Festival in August 2016. My song off the forthcoming album about how every moment of our lives is like a little near-death experience. Every choice we make, a little death...a gorgeous new horizon.
Be sure to watch this video on Chrome or the YouTube app so you can move around it and explore the whole surround... Full lyrics and more info here.
In the moment before acting lies a void
where every future gleams, reflecting every other
each potential a uniquely blooming world.
In the space between two thoughts
where every instant pours, expanding now into infinity
and every possibility unfurls...
How do you choose your next life?
"The Land After Time (Littlefoot Considers Singularities)"
48"x24" // paint pens on canvas
Painted at Unify Festival 2016 (Santa Fe, New Mexico), Green Beer Festival 2016 (Boulder, Colorado), and months of work in my Austin, Texas studio. Finished on New Year's Eve 2016.

The show that explores our distant past, deep future, and the countless other dimension-perspectives on time and the human condition that our mainstream narratives ignore. Subscribe to us on iTunes (for iOS) or Stitcher (for Android). Here are our latest episodes:
One of my favorite TV shows ever, Westworld, deserves a conversation smart enough to match its writing. If you're not familiar with this awesome sci-fi series and its explorations of consciousness, robotics, free will, and the human spirit – go watch the first season right now and then come back and listen to this fun and penetrating chat with Michael Phillip, host of the Third Eye Drops podcast, on what WE think's going on in Westworld... (Download here.)
While I'm in Australia, I'm missing a super fun and interesting event in Austin, The Body Hacking Conference. Trevor Goodman helps throw this annual celebration of our expanding horizons and bold new approaches to re-imagining the human body. This conversation gets into some very out-there places – but nothing that won't seem normal in ten years... (Download here.)
New 4"x3" Stickers: "Beija Flor" & "End of the World Party"
High Quality Weather Resistant Vinyl, Backsplit & UV Coated
High Quality Weather Resistant Vinyl, Backsplit & UV Coated

The show that explores our distant past, deep future, and the countless other dimension-perspectives on time and the human condition that our mainstream narratives ignore. Subscribe to us on iTunes (for iOS) or Stitcher (for Android). Here are our latest episodes:
0014: "Westworld Problems" with Michael Phillip
One of my favorite TV shows ever, Westworld, deserves a conversation smart enough to match its writing. If you're not familiar with this awesome sci-fi series and its explorations of consciousness, robotics, free will, and the human spirit – go watch the first season right now and then come back and listen to this fun and penetrating chat with Michael Phillip, host of the Third Eye Drops podcast, on what WE think's going on in Westworld... (Download here.)
0015: Body Hacking & Sensory Substitution with Trevor Goodman
While I'm in Australia, I'm missing a super fun and interesting event in Austin, The Body Hacking Conference. Trevor Goodman helps throw this annual celebration of our expanding horizons and bold new approaches to re-imagining the human body. This conversation gets into some very out-there places – but nothing that won't seem normal in ten years... (Download here.)